Friday 5 August 2011

Project- based learning

During my teaching degree I remember hearing the terms project-based learning, inquiry- based learning and constructivist approach to learning and talking about Bloom's taxonomy as a quality teaching tool to help students become active learners.  Now I am again reading very similar information in my MedTL and reflecting particularly on one reading which asked me to think about my previous experiences with project-based learning.

Upon reflecting I realise that I have rarely been given the opportunity to experiment with this teaching style.  My 10 years of teaching has involved casual day to day work or temporary work as a support teacher in ESL or reading & literacy.  Due to only having my students for 1/2 hr a week the positive effects of a project-based teaching style can not reach its full potential. 

Having said this I do believe I use open ended question to enable some kind of thought process to occur in my students and I always encourage my students to ask questions and to think about what they can already tell me about a topic. We then research in various ways to find an answer.

I am looking forward to being able to challenge myself and my students in coming years with the opportunity of full time work on a class or indeed in a library.


I am not a technically savvy person, I use computers simply to communicate with family via emails and to present my work using Microsoft Office.  My blog is a large learning curve. Recently, I have had my patience tested hugely by issues that can bring the convenience and efficiency of technology to its knees. My uni unit delivered via the internet, the environmentally friendly way to study, has caused me nothing but frustration which now that an assignment is just around the corner is fast turning to stress!  For an unknown reason at this time I can not access some of my reading or the library to research.  The good old readings booklet (constructed by many trees) could not be more helpful right now. 

After reading (those I can get) about how we need to integrate technologies and use digital tools to engage our students in real world learning experiences, I am at this time finding it difficult to be sold on the idea as I am not enjoying a positive learning experience with technology myself.

Tuesday 26 July 2011

one step forward

I have realised in the last few days that studying with a family that is quite defendant on your time is not quite the same as studying when they were babies whom I could put to sleep.  I am also working full time now which I didn't do last time I studied - 10years ago!!
However, I think that I have finally found what I want to do into my future as a career - in fact, I was so excited about getting started that I was ready to bite off more than I could chew.  It has taken me two weeks and much reflection to know that the best thing at this time is to take my time. 

I am now 3 weeks into my MEdTL and enjoying it. Started with 2 units but have reduced to 1 so that I can still have a life and enjoy my family, be a mother and pay the bills.

Thursday 21 July 2011

just beginning

This is a test run to see if I can successfully post a message on my very first blog.  In the coming weeks I hope to become very familiar with the whole blogging idea and enter the 21st century way of journaling.